The Death Penalty and the Politics of Defining Emotion
Socio-Legal Review (July 14, 2024)

The Death Penalty and the Misleading Concept of “Closure”
The Crime Report (Jan 8, 2021)

What Roles Do Emotions Play in the Law?
The Emotion Researcher (Oct 2, 2016)

Inaction on Chicago Police Reform
St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Jan. 19, 2016)

Why 1 in 3 Lawyers Are Problem Drinkers
The National Law Journal (Feb. 29, 2016)

Remorse in the Courtroom is a Tricky Thing to Judge
Philadelphia Inquirer (Feb. 7, 2016)

Get Ready for ‘Umpire Myth’ after Scalia’s Death
Chicago Sunday Times (Feb. 15, 2016)

What Are Victim-Impact Statements For?
The Atlantic (July 23, 2016)

The Arrest Power Unchained
Jotwell (July 13, 2015) (reviewing Eisha Jain, Arrests as Regulation, 67 Stan. L. Rev. 809 (2015))

Chicago Must Acknowledge Patterns of Police Misconduct
Gapers Block  (Dec. 7, 2015)

“It is an open secret long shared by prosecutors, defense lawyers, and judges that perjury is widespread among law enforcement officers”: Why judges so rarely second-guess police testimony
Salon (Dec. 16, 2015)

What Does it Feel Like to be a Lawyer?
Jotwell (Apr. 16, 2013) (reviewing Susannah Sheffer, Fighting for their Lives: Inside the Experience of Capital Defense Attorneys (Vanderbilt University Press 2013))

Power Lies in the Emotion
New York Times (Mar. 4, 2011)

Parallel Play: The Disconnect Between Criminal Procedure and Criminology
Jotwell (Dec. 17, 2009) (reviewing Eric Miller, Putting the Practice into Theory, 7 Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law 31 (2009))