Remorse and Judging
Remorse and Criminal Justice: Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives, (Steven Tudor, Richard Weisman, Michael Proeve and Kate Rossmanith eds., Routledge, 2021).
From Dragnet to Brooklyn 99: How Cop Shows Excuse, Exalt and Erase Police Brutality
Routledge Handbook of Police Brutality in America (Thomas Aiello ed.) Forthcoming 2022.
Share Your Grief But Not Your Anger: Victims and the Expression of Emotion in Criminal Justice
Emotional Expression: Philosophical, Psychological, and Legal Perspectives (Smith and Abell eds., Cambridge University Press, 2016)
Empathy, Narrative and Victim Impact Statements
Nussbaum and Law (Robin West ed., Ashgate 2015)
Remorse and Demeanor in the Courtroom: The Cognitive Science of Evaluating Contrition
The Integrity of Criminal Process: From Theory into Practice (Hunter, Roberts, Young and Dixon eds., Hart Publishing, 2015)
Law and Emotion
213 International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Science (James D. Wright ed., Elsevier 2nd ed. 2015)
Emotion and Deliberation: The Autonomous Citizen in the Social World
NOMOS LIII, Passions and Emotions (New York University Press 2013)
Emotions and Risk Regulation
62 Studies in Law, Politics and Society 219 (Austin Sarat ed., 2013)
The Challenges of ‘Quality of Life Policing’ for the Fourth Amendment
The Constitution and the Future of Criminal Justice in America (Parry and Richardson eds. 2013)
The Heart has its Reasons: Examining the Strange Persistence of the American Death Penalty
42 Studies in Law, Politics and Society 21 (Austin Sarat ed. 2008)
Entry on the Eleventh Amendment, in The Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States
(2d ed., Oxford University Press, 2005)
Justiciability, in 1999 Federal Appellate Jurisdiction: Its Elements and Its Evolving Content
(Federal Judicial Center, 1999) (with Stuart M. Jay)
All Bathwater, No Baby: Expressive Theories of Punishment and the Death Penalty
116 Michigan Law Review 905 (2018) (reviewing Carol S. Steiker & Jordan M. Steiker, Courting Death: The Supreme Court and Capital Punishment (2016).
Book Review
Chicago Daily Law Bulletin (April 25, 2007) (reviewing Geoffrey Stone, War and Liberty (2007))
Searching for Worlds Beyond the Canon: Narrative, Rhetoric, and Legal Change
28 Law and Social Inquiry 271 (2003) (reviewing Anthony Amsterdam and Jerome Bruner, Minding the Law)
We the People, and Our Enduring Values
96 Michigan Law Review 1376 (1998) (reviewing Akhil Reed Amar, The Constitution and Criminal Procedure: First Principles)
The Jury System as a Leap of Faith
46 Journal of Legal Education. 114 (1996) (reviewing Jeffrey Abramson, We, The Jury, and Stephen J. Adler, The Jury)